

   Mi han detto (canti come un cane)

Live jam session - all audio clip where recorded live!

Written by the mysterious Italian 60s singer-songwriter Don Jess.


 As a singer, we know Don Jess from songs like I Dreamed a model,  Mi bagno le scarpe, Aggie ditt' a'mmamm (masters favorite), Bussate alla mia porta (instrumental version that sung version, like so many of his other compositions) and rock opera: Anime Morte.

 All right (I'm pissed) - Tutto bene (sono incazzato nero) by  Don Jess & ThePMS (jam session).

Particular arrangement of this song has been used for the publicity' of shoes (web site).

many people still think that the song shows a value.

Don Jess & ThePMS most other artists - JamSession

Social position is a non-profit, adjusted and synchronized with the music in a jam session of the song by Don Jess

for driving safely addressed to all people.

The message of the spot is a message of hope and a celebration of life.  

Royalty Free Music on the license a song for a project of video advertising NON PROFIT.

Music is offered on a non-fee, but it is not free of rights.

The composer and the publisher will be the holder of the copyright.


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